A Short Story

Transformation Program

I am getting worried and anxious about my child.
They get into a mode where they are so sad and mad that there is nothing one I can say, do, or think to help them come out of that rabbit hole.

I begin to judge myself. I am a bad mother. I cannot crack my own child. I am hopeless. ​ I yell, curse and things get worse. The cloud of sadness, and air of negativity hovers in my home. It is scary, draining and worrying.

It hurts. But does it need to?

What I have found is that fear-based parenting begets fear-based children. The children obey not because they respect and love us, but because they fear us.

I have since realised that with such parenting, it can be challenging for the family to enjoy inner peace, happiness, and real joy.  

Love wins...

Love-based parenting is the better choice in my view. I have felt more fulfilled when practising love-based parenting and I am sure that is true for many others.
We all want to, but how do we parent positively and raise emotionally and mentally healthy and fit children? How might we serve our children better as mothers, modelling unconditional love?
To answer that question, Sage Kids was birthed in May 2021.

It's time to answer the Call!

Move from Self Care, Self Unawareness to Self Awareness, Self Hate to Self Love, Self Sabotage to Self Leadership and Mastery and live a purposeful, peaceful, happy and healthy life. It’s time to answer the C.A.L.L.

Welcome to 6 weeks that can change it all.

If this resonates with you, Sage Kids is what you've been waiting for!

Transformation Program

This 12 week program will empower your child to deal with
life's challenges in a positive manner and bring positivity to your home.

​ I yell, curse and things get worse. The cloud of sadness, and air of negativity hovers in my home. It is scary, draining and worrying.


 and responsibilities and exercise them.


attitudes and habits that cause self sabotage.


their emotions anger, pain, fear, anxiety, sadness, worry, frustration and learn to regulate themselves.


 building their mental muscles for long term and lasting change.


to any challenge with a positive mindset.